Friday 19 December 2014

I'm moving...

So The Pink Theory is going to be no more! Sigh. Fear not though, as it is just moving to another blog title. Basically I'm blending my two blogs together because I can't be bothered to try and promote both!

So if you are a fan, all the new Pink Theory stuff that I write, as well as the old stuff (which I'll probably republish seeing s I didn't have any readers when I first started!) will now be at If you followed me on bloglovin...that means you McKinney and Jay-Zizzle...make sure to follow The Mansplanation!

See you on the flip side peeps...

Tuesday 9 December 2014

How to get the girl you want.

So after I wrote my last post about Julien Blanc and how his 'methods' for attracting women are ridiculous, I had people challenging me to explain what I felt was a realistic way to pick up girls. So, the secret about the foolproof way to make ladies like you. You ready? IT. DOES. NOT. EXIST.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Julien Blanc. Perhaps the biggest douche on earth.

I know a lot of you won't know who this guy is, so let me fill you in real quick. Basically he's a sort of real life version of Will Smith in Hitch but with the arsehole gene. He's part of a company called Real Social Dynamics (RDS) and he's marketed as a dating instructor who is the self professed 'international leader in dating advice.' In reality he's a bunch of one liners and ridiculous generalisations that aim to con men with zero game out of (typically) £150 by giving them stupid advice that will never work. Why? Because it's the man behind the line that matters. There is no one strategy that will always work, and yet this douche convinces guys that there is an approach that guarantees success. This approach? Basically manipulate them into doing whatever you want.

Monday 10 November 2014

Cheating. Sometimes it's inevitable.

I was having a conversation with a girl I know recently and the topic of cheating came up. It was a long conversation but the main issue she had was that she couldn't understand how a guy can just cheat if he loves his girlfriend. Needless to say, it didn't go down well when I said that sometimes it's inevitable. 

Monday 3 November 2014

How available for the unavailable?

So it's been a loooooooong ass time since I've done a post on here, but I've recently decided to start a lifestyle blog and in the process of doing so came across this one. I don't know why I stopped now that I think about it.

I've decided that along with my new blog, I'm going to do new posts on here as well. I'm not going to advertise this one, so I don't expect many people will read it, but it's a subject I enjoy writing about so I'm gonna do it anyway!

I thought today I'd write a piece about knowing when to back off and when to press on. It's a fine line, but it can mean the difference between success and failure in this here game we play. For example I have a friend who is seeing this girl. Well, he's banging her anyway. Now at first she was all over him like white on rice, but recently she's been a bit more unavailable. You all know the story, doesn't reply to a message for a day where she used to reply straight away. Has an excuse not to see you where before she'd make the time. You get the picture. Nothing formal has been said, but he just gets the feeling that she isn't as interested.