Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen?

So I'm sitting in my front room with my girlfriends ridiculously hot cousin, and we get to talking about whether girls actually do prefer guys that are arseholes; you know, the whole treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen kind of thing.

Its an interesting question, but the answer is relatively simple. Yes they do. It's a fact. At least in the beginning stages. Obviously if a girl is in a relationship with a guy then she isn't going to like it if he acts like a dick, but when things are first starting, girls can't help but be attracted to a dick. The more you act like a dick, the more she's gonna wanna get on yours. Its that whole unavailability factor. If I was to meet a girl and then be all over her, she'd lose interest in double time. If I was texting all the time saying how much I wanted to see her, she'd all of a sudden have a million things to do. But, if I played it cool, got a shag and then continued to act cool, she wouldn't be able to stay away. I've seen it a million times. Even if she saw me with another girl the next night it would only make her want me more. If a girl sees you as a challenge, something to be tamed or controlled, she will be bang on you until she either a)achieves her mission, or b) eventually gets tired of being rubbished. Even with that second scenario, chances are that she'll still have a thing for you though.

It's such a strange phenomona, because the second they've wore you down and you start to focus all of your attention on them, most of the time they realise that they don't actually like you that much and then you find yourself chasing them. Anyway, the fact remains...and it is a fact...girls want what they cant have. So do boys. But if I see the girl I just shagged and that I really like in the club the next night with another guy, then you best believe my pride will never ever ever ever let me see her as anything but a possible future shag. Girls on the other hand...girls will go mad, swear at you and call you every name under the sun, but then still shag you and want you to be their boyfriend.

In essence, when you see a girl you like, as long as you've got the game to go with it and you're not actually bothered whether she sticks around or not, you can actually have your cake and eat it. For a real life visual example of this, watch Geordie Shore (yes i'm aware it's trashy tv, but the human dynamics remain the same) and observe the relationship between Gaz and Charlotte. And Rihanna getting back with Chris Brown? I mean c'mon!!! Really? But there it is in a nutshell. 

Aaaaaaaaaaanyway, there is a reason people say that girls love a badboy. It's because it's true. Girls tend to like a bit of danger and drama. The second you become boring to them, they are likely to remove themselves from the equation...but you can't be too much of a knob. Thats the balance. You have to be unavailable but at the same time be an interesting and nice guy. To summarise, it isn't that nice guys finish last, its that most of the time, they never get in the race. The bad guys that turn into nice guys...well, everyone loves an anti-hero don't they? Peace.

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