So I'm sitting in my front room with my girlfriends ridiculously hot cousin, and we get to talking about whether girls actually do prefer guys that are arseholes; you know, the whole treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen kind of thing.
Its an interesting question, but the answer is relatively simple. Yes they do. It's a fact. At least in the beginning stages. Obviously if a girl is in a relationship with a guy then she isn't going to like it if he acts like a dick, but when things are first starting, girls can't help but be attracted to a dick. The more you act like a dick, the more she's gonna wanna get on yours.
Its that whole unavailability factor. If I was to meet a girl and then be all over her, she'd lose interest in double time. If I was texting all the time saying how much I wanted to see her, she'd all of a sudden have a million things to do. But, if I played it cool, got a shag and then continued to act cool, she wouldn't be able to stay away. I've seen it a million times. Even if she saw me with another girl the next night it would only make her want me more. If a girl sees you as a challenge, something to be tamed or controlled, she will be bang on you until she either a)achieves her mission, or b) eventually gets tired of being rubbished. Even with that second scenario, chances are that she'll still have a thing for you though.